azw3, epub |eng | 2014-08-29 | Author:Brandon King

Chapter Twenty-Four Sundered Even with the great span of experience with humans that Ercen and Kimar had collected over generations, they had never experienced the unbridled, shattered hysteria that Freida’s ...
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epub |eng | 2024-04-02 | Author:Mark E. Fisher [Fisher, Mark E.]

High above the city of sacrilege swarmed the spirits of demons, swooping down, flying back up, circling, and dropping down again. The searing heat, darkness, and bitter cold were gone. ...
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epub |eng | 2020-11-09 | Author:Gullett, R. S.

22 Kinison “I’m staying, Kinison, and that’s final!” Sarah shouted. They were in their chambers in the castle of Elengil. The night was heavy and the atmosphere, both in and ...
( Category: Fantasy May 12,2024 )
epub |eng | 2017-08-02 | Author:Gullett, R. S.

20 Riniel Once escaping the citadel, Riniel and Sir Jordan had stolen some horses and rode hard and fast until reaching a small town a full day’s ride from Ethriel. ...
( Category: Fantasy May 12,2024 )
epub |eng | 2018-12-03 | Author:Gullett, R. S.

23 Val It was mid-morning when Val and Annet stepped off the gangplank onto one of the long piers extending out from the port of Abenhall. The cold wind whipped ...
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epub |eng | 2024-03-04 | Author:Travis Kuffel [Kuffel, Travis]

Chapter 22 Ghal’yat roared again and strode forward, holding his massive sword low to the side with one hand. With his teeth bared, and murderous rage pouring through his eyes, ...
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epub |eng | 2024-03-05 | Author:Jeffrey McClain Jones [Jones, Jeffrey McClain]

THE NEXT MORNING, BERTO WAS ALONE AT THE TABLE when Josiah arrived in the dining room. Matty and Tammy had spent the night at Grace and Jacob’s. The girls, Sienna ...
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epub |eng | 2023-11-10 | Author:Grymm, Rosie

INTERLUDE BEWARE Magic shook the ground, rattling windows and nearly knocking her off her feet. The vial shattered in her hands, but she didn’t notice the stab of broken crystal. ...
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epub |eng | 2023-10-13 | Author:Clare, Nina

7 GALL AND WORMWOOD A fitful night, full of oppressive, half-conscious thoughts was ended by a blood-curdling shriek rousing me from strange dreams into a stranger reality. ‘Jane!’ shouted my ...
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epub |eng | 2023-10-20 | Author:Thibeaux, Tor

As Ulric left the island, he was not as confident as he had pretended. The huge, grey wolf disturbed him. It was a physical beast with no magic, and under ...
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epub |eng | 2022-05-24 | Author:Declan Finn [Finn, Declan]

The next pack of three converged on the site of all the excitement. The explosions and screams were a good giveaway of where the party was happening. They came in ...
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epub |eng | 2022-12-26 | Author:Sharon Rose [Rose, Sharon]

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epub |eng | 2023-08-07 | Author:Rodriguez, G.Z. & Vargas, D.J.

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